Michael & Melissa | Kansas City, MO Maternity Session

It's safe to say that I love these two A LOT!  These two are super special to me because I get to call them brother-in-law and sister-in-law and also friends.  Last fall they broke the news that they were going to be adding a new member to the family in early May and there has been so much excitement ever since!  At Christmas they wrapped up blue balloons for us to tell us it was a boy and in February we threw a 'Baby It's Cold Outside' themed shower.  Around that time Matt & I planned a date with Michael & Melissa to go stay with them in Kansas City for a weekend in April to hang out and help with anything they might need before our new little nephew arrived.  We decided on April 2-3 and planned to do maternity photos while we were there - and it turns out that it was a good thing we did the session when we did because just four days after we did these photos my sweet little nephew was born!  Talk about cutting it close! 

For their session Michael & Melissa chose to go to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in downtown Kansas City, MO.  It was super windy and super beautiful and we got some great shots!  Afterward we stuffed ourselves with Indian food and then headed back to snap a few photos on the front porch of their home - a tradition they started last year when they bought it!  These two are going to be great parents and can we talk about that pregnancy glow for a minute? Because I'm pretty sure if you look it up Melissa's picture might be there!

Michael & Melissa - Thank you for letting me capture these moments for you and be a part of your journey into parenthood!  I'm so excited for all that the future holds for your/our family and can't wait to snuggle little Kipp and watch him grow!  Love you guys!