Caleb | 3 Month Photos

St. Charles MO Family Portrait Child Photographer

This week I got to meet this sweet little guy and spend some time capturing his three month photos and big sister Nora joined in on the fun too! Three months?  It feels like just yesterday that we were taking maternity photos in anticipation of his arrival!

Caleb is the sweetest, happiest, most relaxed baby and he was all smiles for the camera - well when he wasn't gnawing on his fingers!  Nora kept things light and provided a lot of laughs for mom, dad and myself!  She loves entertaining Caleb and is so sweet with him.  This family is always full of fun and I love getting to spend time with them!  And to top it all off, I got the sweetest snuggles from this handsome little guy at the end of our session while Nora entertained us on the swing set.  I can't wait to see what kind of adventures the future holds for these two - I'm sure it will be epic!