Sarah + Kids | St. Charles, MO Family Session

St. Charles MO Family Photographer New Town

I started off my Thanksgiving week doing a shoot for Sarah and her sweet kiddos Addie and Sawyer and we had a great time!  I've known Sarah since before high school when we met playing summer softball and she is one of the strongest people I know.  This girl has seen her fair share of trials, but she never lets anything get in her way and I am so proud of her for everything she has accomplished - including recently buying a home for her and her sweet babies.  I'm thankful to call this inspiring and beautiful lady a friend!  

For their session, we headed out to New Town and I'm so glad we did!  Addie and Sawyer love exploring and the animal sculptures in the park kept their attention so we could grab some shots.  Even though it was a little chilly, all three of them were troopers and I'm excited to share some highlights with you!

Sarah - Thanks so much for allowing me to capture this time in your life!  You're such a great mama and friend and role model for so many and I can't wait until the next time we get to hang out together!