Rachel - Senior Photos

I'm so excited to share this pretty lady's session on the blog today!  I met up with Rachel and her momma at Longview Farm Park a couple weeks ago and it could not have been a more perfect day or location for this session!  This was my first time visiting this park and I will definitely be back!  It was so much fun getting to know Rachel and her mom as we walked around the park and I know Rachel will do great things in the years to come.  Did I mention that she already has her Gold Award in Girl Scouts?  Talk about a motivated and talented girl!  Not to mention she completely rocked her session!  Here are some highlights from her session and some fun extras!

One of the reasons this session was so fun and unique was because after we finished Rachel's senior photos we also did a few head shots for her beautiful mom!  Now we know where Rachel gets her stunning looks!

Rachel & Sylvia - Thank you so much for allowing me to capture these portraits for you!  I had such a great time getting to know you both!  Rachel, I know you are destined for great things over the next few years and beyond and I can't wait to see what they are!