Griffey Family

This family of three is oh-so-special to me!  Emily and I met at our first job in high school and we've been pretty much attached at the hip ever since.  We were in each other's weddings and we always comment about how lucky we are that our husbands like each other and have become friends too - because we get to hang out with each other even more!  Grant & Emily's spunky little girl just turned three so this session was a hybrid family/three year old birthday shoot and it turned out great!  Elle finally warmed up to the camera mid-session and I can't stop looking at her super blue eyes!  She was hilarious trying out new 'poses' and telling me to take a picture.  It only lasted for a little bit, but I'll take it!  We went out to Indian Camp Creek in Troy, MO for this fall morning session.  Take a look at the highlights!

Grant & Emily - I'm so thankful that Matt and I have you as friends and that I get the opportunity to capture these milestones in your life!  We love you guys and can't wait for our next adventure together!