Nora | 2 Year Session

I know you all know Nora by now, but oh my goodness this little lady is growing up!  Nora celebrated her second birthday back in December but we were lucky enough to catch a beautiful day in February to do her session.  I'm so glad we got to go outside even though Nora wasn't really feeling being in front of the camera - until we got to the swings!!!  This girl is so full of personality and sass and I love it!  Oh, and did I mention that she is getting promoted to big sister later this summer?  Well, she is!  Check out some highlights from this cutie's session! 

There's just so much joy on that little face!  I love it!

Becky & Scott - Thanks so much for letting me spend some time with this pretty little lady!  I can't wait to see you all as a family of four!!!