Eden | St. Louis, MO Newborn Lifestyle Session

St. Louis MO Newborn LIfestyle Portrait Photographer

This sweet family.  Where do I start?  Well first, they're adorable!  And second, they're my family!  I was so excited to get to meet Buddy and Rachel (and Ruby's) newest addition Eden and get to document this new chapter of their lives.  Buddy is my cousin and we always have a good laugh when we're together.  And he married the SWEETEST girl ever so I always enjoy my time with them.  These two make such a great pair, and if it's even possible, they make even better parents.  You guys, they are just so sweet with Eden!!

Speaking of Eden... what a cutie!  She's sweet like her mama and has her daddy's dark hair and all the serious faces in the world!  And I just know that her and Ruby are going to be best buddies - and probably get into a little mischief when she's older.  Check out the highlights from their in-home newborn lifestyle session!